★Are you reacting, retaliating or responding?★
Could you use a new perspective?
Is it time for a little positivity?
★Have you done your research?★
★Is that problem an opportunity in disguise?★
Is that solution what you expected?
Is that problem worth solving?
CoronaCommunities Project
Getting a Grip: How to feel in control when you feel like you're in free-fall
Do you feel like you are running alone? 🤔
Like big problem, many of the impacts will be hidden & will continue well after the headlines stop
Are you waiting for someone to build you a stage?
What else would be different if human capital was treated in the same way as economic capital?
Creativity isn't just about doing something different. It's about doing the same thing differently.
How are you communicating the messages that really matter?
What can Eurovision teach us about leadership?
Are you harnessing the collective wisdom within your business?
Is patience just procrastination in disguise?
Keeping up momentum: It's time to build a bridge
Keeping up momentum: Are you keeping it clean?
Keeping up momentum: Plant the seed of curiosity